Mountain Lions

This powerful predator roams the Americas, where it is also known as a puma, cougar, and a cat-a-mount. They are also found in many habitats, from Florida swamps to Canadian forests. Mountain lions like to prey on deer, though they have also been known to eat smaller animals such as coyotes, porcupines, and raccoons! They usually hunt at night or during the gloaming hours of dawn and dusk, but they are not nocturnal. These cats have a large amount of stealth and power. They stalk their prey until an opportunity arrives to pounce, then they deliver a fatal bite on the neck. They will hide large carcasses and feed on them for several days. Mountain lions once roamed nearly all of the United States. They like to be alone and are quite shy animals, rarely seen by humans. While they do see humans they occasionally attack people, usually children or lone adults. Statistics show that, on average, there are only four attacks and one human fatality each year in all of the U.S. and Canadian areas.