
 Like the Lion, Tigers are also very big and dangerous, and live only in Asia. They are also very famous for their thick, orange-tawny coats, gleaming amber-gold eyes, black to rich brown stripes, and long, whip-like tail. A tiger with a held up, wagging tail is happy, a tail at body height and wagging means a tiger is excited. When a tiger twitches its tail between its legs-watch your step because that Tiger might come at you! Male Tigers weigh anywhere from three hundred to eight hundred pounds because they are generally more massive and longer than the female Tigers. The largest recorded tiger was a male Amur weighing 1,025 pounds!, That's a lot for a big cat!!  Tigers have golden-amber, ice-blue, green, and sometimes amber eyes. They have three eyelids just like house cats and are color blind. They also have sensitive hearing, and an okay sense of smell. Tigers use their orange hides and stripes to blend in with their surroundings, even though they can run 35 mph, but have quick stamina's.
