House Cats

House cats also known as common cats are the cats that you can bring into you're house, and be able to trust them enough so that they will not kill you. House cats need the basic pet care. With house cats all you have to do is clean the litterbox, feed them food and water. Give them enough care so they can be happy, scratching posts, cat beds and last but not least you must take your cat to the vet.  Will I be able to afford having a cat?, Will I be able to feed the cat? Can I pay the vet bills? Who will watch my cat while I am away? Am I going to be able to clean the litterbox? and last but not least Will I enjoy having a cat? If the  answer to all or most these questions is "Yes", I hope you are soon going to be adding a new friend to the family. If most answers are "No" I suggest you wait until they are all "Yes". SCROLL DOWN!!
